One of the biggest problems with most EMRS is documentation overkill. Clinicians spend a lot of money for a system and then find out that the documentation forms are extremely long. The vendor logic behind this is that documentation needs to be comprehensive. Documentation can be comprehensive without turning practitioners into data entry experts. In Touch EMR™ eliminates documentation overload with automatic functions and features.

Documentation Goals

The goal of therapists should be enough documentation to be compliant, but not to the point where he/she spends more time on documentation than they do treating patients. The process of documentation shouldn’t take time away from clients, delay the next client’s visit, or keep the clinician long past the end of the day following up on each patient’s record.

Too Much Pressure

Physical therapists have a lot on their plate. They’re trying to operate a practice, provide the best treatment for their patients, market the practice, provide the necessary documentation for claims, adhere to the new rules of Obamacare, and tend to all the details of running a successful practice. Excessive documentation places too much pressure on therapists who are already overloaded.

Conforming To Standards

It’s important that practitioners have an integrated system that provides flexibility in all aspects of the documentation process. The EMR should allow therapists to generate their own templates, enabling them to document in their own way. The system should adapt to the way the clinician works. Practitioners shouldn’t have to change to conform to the EMR program.

In a healthcare climate that’s constantly changing the way patients are treated, the way claims are paid and clinician reporting requirements, therapists are already suffering from documentation overload. In Touch EMR™ provides practice owners with the tools needed to document thoroughly without becoming data entry experts and suffering from documentation overkill.